Does AJAX Infinity work with children categories ?

8 years 9 months ago #7699 by makinero
The demo ofAJAX Infinity shows a list of articles from the same category. I need to list article from children categories.

Example :

Category 1
-- Category 1.1
---- Article 1
---- Article 2
-- Category 1.2
---- Article 3
---- Article 4

So when I visit the page, I will see article 1 article 2 article 3 and 4.

Is it possible to put a "load more" button instead of the infinite scroll ?

I saw it's a module. How does it work ? Do I have to choose the category in the module settings or does it work with a blog menu item ?


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8 years 9 months ago #7700 by Saka
It replaces the pagination so anything you do with regular pagination on category blog, AJAX Infinity does too. In this example you would set the menu idem to be category blog and to include subcategories. Then it will show articles from subcategories too and paginate them, AJAX Infinity will load them as you scroll down.

Yes, you can use auto loading or "more" link (or both - auto loading until set page and link after that) that you can style with CSS.

It's not a module, it's a plugin and yes, you set the blog settings in the menu entry.

Emir Sakic

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8 years 9 months ago #7702 by makinero
I bought the plugin this morning. I haven't recived a download link and when I enter my paypal e-mail adress (which is the only one I gave during the purchase process) I got an error message :

This email is not registered in our database. Please enter the email that you used when you purchased the product.

I'm going to send you more details by PM. I need it very quickly.


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8 years 9 months ago #7703 by makinero
It's not possible to contact you via PM. Check your e-mail adresse I sent you an e-mail via your contact form.


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8 years 9 months ago #7705 by Saka
I haven't received anything. I will send you an email right now.

Emir Sakic

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8 years 9 months ago #7706 by makinero
I was able to download the plugin. Thank you very much.

I want to change the texte of the load more button. When I replace the "Title of the Next hyperlink" with another variable of the translation file (eg : JSHOW) the next button does not appear. What can I do ?

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