AJAX Register - Some Presales Questions

7 years 9 months ago #7830 by Hartmut
Hi there,
I'm looking for a new component for user registration. Presently I'm using jvitals ExtendedReg but this is not being updated anymore and doesn't work with php 7.x .
For this reason I'm looking for a new extension and would like to know whether AJAX Register is capable to be configured in a way that the user receives a confirmation mail of successfull registration, but without activation link.
At the same time the SuperUser receives a notification mail, which includes the activation link so only the SuperUser can approve the new registered user after verification.
After approval the registered user should receive the confirmation mail that he is approved

Text of these mails should be possible to customize.

Also Customizable user fields are required.

Is it possible to get a time limited demo version?

Kindly advise.

Many Thanks in Advance and Best Regards

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7 years 9 months ago #7833 by Saka
That's the process you already have in Joomla: Users > Options > New User Account Activation > Administrator
As for the emails customisation you do it in language override.

There is no demo version, sorry.

Emir Sakic

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