Need to trigger another plugin's function in Ajax Infinity

5 years 11 months ago #8092 by
I'm using a modal plugin in a blog (Regular Labs Modals plugin). I need to trigger this plugin initialising function after Ajax Infinity loads new articles.
Where (in what file and in what line of code) do I have to put this triggering code?
Thanks ! (still under development) -> Modal works fine in first article, not in second one.

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5 years 11 months ago #8095 by Saka
That would qualify to custom development, but try

Emir Sakic

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5 years 11 months ago #8098 by
OK. Thanks for the answer.
What to do to get custom development ?

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5 years 11 months ago #8099 by
I'm not a developer but I'm still trying to do this by myself.
The developer of RegularLabs Modals told me to trigger a specific function after AjaxInfinity has rendered the new articles.
The function is RegularLabsModals.init();
I am lost with jQuery/Javascript and I don't really understand how and where to put it in the AjaxInfinity plugin code. Any help, please?

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5 years 10 months ago #8102 by Saka

If you contact me on email we can arrange a custom job for this.

Emir Sakic

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5 years 10 months ago #8104 by
Hi. I finally did it on my own.
It was quite easy, in fact: I simply added a call to the initializing function of RLModals plugin at the end of the callback function of Jscroll. Works well!

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