Photo Album: Wrong Name in Drop Down

17 years 3 months ago #1667 by ptogel
If I select an image from the dropdown, the image reloads - but the selected name in the dropdown changes as well. But the selection of the image is different from the selection shown in the dropdown.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Select the image Baaablegum in the dropdown.
2. The Baaablegum image will display but the dropdown name will display Bird Flu.

The same issue happens when you select a thumbnail. While the image displays right, the drop-down name switches to something different.

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17 years 3 months ago #1668 by Saka
Yes, I discovered this yesterday too. This occurs when you order by modified date. I fixed it in version 1.0.2, please download and reinstall.
You can just change file components/com_apa/apa.php

Emir Sakic

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