17 years 3 months ago #1681 by malloy0

On the trial version of APA and the transition effedct setting do not seem to work. I am not seeing a transition between photos based on the timing of 1 sec or .5 secs,, etc.

Any ideas?

Also, can I change the background to black? Can you suggest how? Is it in the template?


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17 years 3 months ago #1685 by Saka
Do you get a JS error? It can be collision with some other JS framework you use.

Yes, you can edit the template, for the component or the general one.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 3 months ago #1710 by malloy0

No...no JS error...nothing at all.

Also, on editing the template to chnage the picture / photo ONLY background? What, where?

Thanks in advance for your patience with yet another newbie.

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17 years 3 months ago #1713 by Saka
Can I see direct link to your APA installation please?

Emir Sakic

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17 years 3 months ago #1716 by malloy0

Sorry, my trial version expired. I tried to reinstall, failed. Downloaded a different trial to use on a different web address to reinstall to www.myccvc.com no luck -failed. While disappointing for me that this did not work, good for you!!!!

Anywaym I would love to use your product...


Meanwhile, offer your thoughts on what ideas you may have for me to do now.

While I have run out of demo time to show you a link, if you go to this link


it shows the kind of look I am wanting.


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17 years 3 months ago #1717 by Saka
I cleared your record so you can download a new trial if you want.

Emir Sakic

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