Works in firefox but crashes in IE

17 years 2 months ago #1910 by boogiechild
I'm not too sure why it would be doing this, its a wonderful component. I have it working in firefox, and its kind of slow, which is ok, its working. But as soon as I go to Internet Explorer, which majority of the population uses by default, the main photo page loads with the galleries listed, but once you click on a gallery, it crashes and gives an error that it could not load. ???

I searched this forum to see if it happened to anyone else, but didnt see here is my post.

Check this out on Firefox and IE, and submit any help if you can explain it. Thank you! ;D

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17 years 2 months ago #1913 by Saka

Can you please test with default Joomla! template and see if the error persists.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 2 months ago #1914 by boogiechild
Ok update: I switched to the default to check it out real quick, and though ajax is still slow in firefox, it did infact work in IE under the default template.

Real Question is now, how do I get it to work in IE under the current template I have now? Any ideas, suggestions?

Thanks for responding quickly

Domenic aka boogiechild

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17 years 2 months ago - 17 years 2 months ago #1915 by Saka
Hard to say, this error usually occurs when JS tries DOM manipulation before it's closed and ready. But my script doesn't do that. There could also be some JS collisions with the JS used in the template.
Here is some explanation (for my own reference):

You can send FTP details + admin password and I will do some experiments on your site and try to fix it.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 2 months ago - 17 years 2 months ago #1922 by Saka
OK, looks like I've fixed it.

The problem seems to be occuring when 2 different events are added on domready, one in template and one in APA.

What I did is remove the APA event registration. To fix it open the file:
Locate the follownig line:
window.addEvent('domready', Lightbox.init.bind(Lightbox));
Comment it out so it reads:
//window.addEvent('domready', Lightbox.init.bind(Lightbox));

Emir Sakic

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17 years 2 months ago #1924 by boogiechild

Indeed it does work now, I've tried it out, thanks for doing that... it is weird the way that happens. Hopefully this will help if anyone else runs into this issue.

Thanks again Saka for your help!


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