Ajax Listing

17 years 1 month ago #1958 by Alter
Are you going to release a version j! 1.5 with the ability to have multiple modules on the same page?
Thank you

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17 years 1 month ago #1961 by Saka
It is planned, yes.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 1 month ago #2104 by Arnaud
Hi Saka !

I'm really interested with this product. However i need multiple instance on the same page. So i can't buy it now.

When this new version will available, please ? Actual customers will have upgrade free of charge ?

Thank you for your help ;)


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17 years 1 month ago #2105 by Saka
I will try to incorporate that feature at the same time as I add support for Joomla 1.5. Can't say when exactly right now as there are many priorities right now but it will come.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 1 month ago #2106 by Arnaud
Sorry if i'm boring you Saka but could just give a period, plz ? 1, 2, 3 month ?

And what about this question :

Actual customers will have upgrade free of charge ?

If i buy Ajax Listing now may i have the upgrade for free or not ?

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17 years 1 month ago #2108 by Saka
I can't give you exact time estimate but probably around 2-3 months.
You should probably wait with your buy cause I can't promisse that feature will be even possible. All I say is I'm gonna try.

Emir Sakic

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