AJAX Listing : Problem with PHP plugin

17 years 2 weeks ago #2281 by Arnaud
Hi !

I'm currently trying to developp my own php plugin for Ajax Listing : Last News (based on Loudmouth code). For the moment, i just try to show news title. But i have a blank result. Here is my PHP code :

/* AJAX Listing extension for LoudMouth */

class listing {

	function get_idname() {
		return 'id';

	function get_total() {
		global $database;

		$query = "SELECT count(id) FROM #__content";

		$database->setQuery( $query );
		$total = $database->loadResult();
		return $total;

	function get_content($option, $selectedid, $limitstart, $count) {
		global $database;

		$content = '';
		//$option = 'com_content';
		$query = "SELECT title FROM #__content LIMIT $limitstart, $count";
		$database->setQuery( $query );

		if ($rows = $database->loadObjectList()) {
			foreach ($rows as $row) {

					$content .= "$row->title

			//echo "<pre> content : "; var_export($content); //debug
      return $content;
		} else {
			return 'NO DATA';



When i activate var_export function, $content contain news title. So data are well selected and imported. But "return $content" function don't seem to show the result.

Is my PHP code correct ? Or there is a problem with the module ?

Thank you for your help !


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17 years 1 week ago #2284 by Saka
Hi. Looks like there was a bug in loading custom PHP plugins.
I fixed it now so please upgrade to latest version of AJAX Listing and your plugin will work.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 1 week ago #2285 by Arnaud
Thank you very much, Saka ;)

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17 years 1 week ago #2286 by Arnaud
The PHP result is OK now, great :)

But now, custom XML file result is blank. The same plugin worked with the previous version.

You can check it on my testing domain ;)


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17 years 1 week ago #2288 by Saka
I fixed one bug but make another. :)
Fixed now in 1.1.2.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 1 week ago #2289 by Arnaud
Fixed  8) but.... now there's an issue with IE7 : loading...

It work fine with FF2 and Opera  ???

Sorry Saka  :-[

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