Pictures for album in content?

16 years 11 months ago #2530 by powder

I am wondering if there is a posibillity to att a "tag" inside an article so that it displays
pictures from a gallary?.

1. {ajaxalbum folder=images/stories/images/} Displays all picture in a folder
2. {ajaxalbum folder=images/stories/images/&picture1,2,3} Displays picture 1, 2 and 3 from a folder
3. 2. {ajaxalbum folder=images/stories/images/&picture1} Displays picture 1from a folder.



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16 years 11 months ago - 16 years 11 months ago #2531 by Saka
With the current mambot it's only possible to show a whole album in an article like in:

You need the APA mambot/plugin which can be downloaded here .
After you have installed and published the mambot add an album using following code:
{mosapa album="Name of the album"} within the content of an article.

Your album must reside inside the globally defined root folder for albums.

Emir Sakic

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