zip file corrupted

16 years 9 months ago #2748 by Travis
I signed up for the free trial but my zip file was corrupted. Con I download another one?

By the way, the site is in development and the domain will change later.  What will I need to do to update the license file?

Travis Killen

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16 years 9 months ago #2750 by Saka
I reset your record so you can download the trial again.
When you buy a license you can only replace the license file.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 9 months ago #2756 by Travis
Thank you!  Works great, I love this photo gallery!  Should I wait to buy the license until my site is transferred to the right domain?  Or will you just email me a new license when I make the change?  Thanks for a great product, and your quick replies.

- Travis Killen

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16 years 9 months ago #2757 by Saka
You can buy anytime, just email me when you make the change so I can add the final domain to your license. Then you will have to replace the license file only.

Emir Sakic

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