Jomsocial integration

15 years 4 months ago - 15 years 4 months ago #4295 by Saka
Who is this Eric guy? :)

As I already told you like zillion times: SEF Advance 2008 supports router.php files for core-SEF. The same URLs that you have with core Joomla 1.5 will work in SEF Advance 2008. If you are not satisfied with look of those URLs, put a pressure on JomSocial author to provide better one and it will work both with core SEF and SEF Advance.

It was a different situation with Joomla 1.0 where I could understand that author did not want to make sef_ext.php specifically for SEF Advance so I provided extensions for most popular components. But now there is a common standard: router.php and I can't understand that author would not provide router.php which is for core SEF on Joomla 1.5.

You also paid for JomSocial, didn't you?

And you never needed to pay on regular basis to keep SEF Advance updated, it's not true! Free updates for SEF Advance for Mambo / Joomla 1.0 have been available for more than 5 years! SEF Advance 2008 for Joomla 1.5 is a new product. When you buy MS Office 2000 for Windows ME you don't get a "free upgrade" to MS Office 2007 for Vista. You don't even get a discount (unlike with SEF Advance). When you buy SEF Advance it's for advertised platform and all updates for that platform have been free (not even time limited). Noone forces you to change to Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 2.0 etc.


Emir Sakic

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15 years 4 months ago #4304 by treoguy
I love the software developed by Azrul, but I have noticed their reluctance to make their software "play nice" with others. Ultimate Social Bookmark being a perfect example. myBlog is blogging platform and doesn't support the #1 social bookmark program from Joomla. I'm editing code on each page to enable "retweets". I don't think this is Emir's issue.

SEF Advance is by far the best component available for Joomla and the I certainly get my money's worth with free updates, etc.

Would I like SEF Advance to work with Jomsocial? Definitely, but I'm saying it's on Azrul to make that happen.

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15 years 4 months ago #4306 by docweathers
JomSocial provides a router.php  here: components\com_community\router.php. Could you point me to the SEFAdvance instructions on how to use it?

Thanks Larry

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15 years 4 months ago #4310 by Saka
You don't have to do anything special to use it. SEF Advance will pick it up and use it automatically. The URLs will be the same as with core-SEF.

If I understand correctly, people is not satisfied with the look of the URLs generated by router.php and look for more advanced extension for SEF Advance. I say put pressure on Azrul to make better router.php instead.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 4 months ago #4311 by treoguy
For those wondering, it doesn't fully work. For example, multiple pages of photos causes will result in incorrect URL's. I've resorted back to "ignoring JomSocial" in the SEF Advance control panel.

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15 years 4 months ago #4312 by Saka
If it does work with SEF Advance disabled (on core-SEF) then please contact me to get it sorted out. It should work in SEF Advance exactly as with core-SEF.

If it doesn't work with core-SEF either when SEF Advance is disabled then it's not SEF Advance's fault.

Emir Sakic

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