15 years 3 months ago #4498 by antonyvilleger
Dear Emir,

I've got a little problem, that I think is nothing to solve.

In my checkout you have 4 steps to finalize the payment.
Adress -> Transport ->

1st step : Adress or/and registration
In my shop when I click on -> checkout i'm redirect to an URL  like that :
so, for the 1st step everything is ok

2nd step : transport
So when you click on next you have to choose between tranport options. my URL is like that :
Problem ! when I click on "Next" I'm always redirect to the first step adress.

My SEF Preferences / settings

SEF Advance enabled    YES
Fish support                   NO
Skip prefix for def. lang.   EMPTY
Redirect built-in SEF URLs   NO
Redirect non-SEF URLs   NO
Redirect legacy SEF URLs   NO
WWW redirect                   NO
Log Not Found hit                NO
Debug                           NO
Debug IP                           EMPTY

I really want to say thank you for everything you did with your component.



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15 years 3 months ago #4500 by Saka

Which version of Virtuemart? Do you ignore VM in SEF Advance configurations?

Emir Sakic

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15 years 3 months ago #4506 by antonyvilleger
Joomla 1.5.10,
Virtuemart 1.1.3 stable. (sef_ext.php in /components/com_virtuemart)

Virtuemart is not ignored. Only Jomsocial and SEF Service map.

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15 years 3 months ago #4507 by Saka
Are you using the latest version of my SEF extension? It should be v1.2.4 2009-05-20

Emir Sakic

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15 years 3 months ago #4508 by antonyvilleger
it's something like 1 month that I've installed it. Let me try.

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15 years 3 months ago #4509 by antonyvilleger
I want to say thank you !

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