What am I doing wrong with redirects?

15 years 3 months ago #4572 by MoneyMagnets
I've using the trial version and I'm on Joomla 1.5.10.

Since using SEF Advance I'm getting a lot of 404 page errors because of the new URLs. That's okay I understand why I'm getting those...

I've configured SEF Adv redirect as follows.....

Redirect built-in SEF URLs   Yes
Redirect non-SEF URLs Yes
Redirect legacy SEF URLs Yes
WWW redirect                Yes
Log Not Found hits        Yes  

Now in google there is an 'old' page style index such as


this gives an ugly 404 page error:

404 - Page Not Found

You may not be able to visit this page because of:

  1. an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
  2. a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
  3. a mistyped address
  4. you have no access to this page
  5. The requested resource was not found.
  6. An error has occurred while processing your request.

Please try one of the following pages:

   * Home Page

If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site.

Page Not Found  

So I want to stop that so I thought I'd set up a redirect in the redirect screen:

Source URL: index.php/Celebrate-life.html
Target URL: what-regrets-would-you-have-if-you-died-tomorrow?/
Redirect type: 301 moved permanently

For the target I actually put in the full www.money-magnets.net/what-regrets-would...-you-died-tomorrow?/ but it gets shortened.

The redirect is published.

Nothing has changed. When I click on the link from google I still get the 404 page (and what's worse is that the home page link on the 404 page is also incorrect and goes to a page
www.money-magnets.net/index.php/index.php which is the home page but without the correct template formatting for some reason).

So what stupid thing am I missing with the redirect?

Thanks for any help,

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15 years 3 months ago #4573 by Saka
You can't use SEF Advance to redirect URLs that contain index.php. They are not forwarded by mod_rewrite and not processed by SEF Advance at all.

To redirect those you could have some instructions in .htaccess. It's not so easy to setup those and require testing so unless it's absolutely essential I suggest just to ignore them.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 3 months ago #4574 by MoneyMagnets
Ah okay. I thought I was going potty there for a while.

Thanks for replying so quickly.


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