Notice: Uninitialized string offset

15 years 1 month ago #4805 by Saka

It's actually not a bug, it's anotice. You should never have max reporting on on a live site.
Anyway, if possible please send me the FTP info and I will have a look on it.

Emir Sakic

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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #5120 by Greg
sorry to rebump this old topic.

But I think I found out a part of the solution, at least a part of the way to it...

Today just by mistake I've put the error report level to "Maximum" and guess what ? no more RSS feed (I mean with sef advance /rss.feed).

So reflex was, cut the sef, clean all the caches, to see if this is rewrite issue, but no more feed.
The feed just wanted to be doawnload as a simple file (rss.php)under firefox.
So I had a look at the source of the broken feed, the source code just display this:
Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/www/client/www/components/com_sef/sef_incl.php on line 0
with two characters at the end of the line (attached, the forum here don't want them)

So after that I had look at all my feeds (forum, comments, files and frontpage feed) and compared them each others. Only the first lines are involved here, as the two unicode charcaters are at the start.

rss.feed (frontpage feed):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- generator="Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management" -->
<?xml-stylesheet href="/media/sef_advance/css/extlink.css" type="text/css"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- generator="FeedCreator 1.7.3" -->
<rss version="2.0">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- generator="FeedCreator 1.7.3" -->
<rss version="2.0">

The only real thing that is only present in the SefAdvance rewrited feed (rss.feed) is this one:
<?xml-stylesheet href="/media/sef_advance/css/extlink.css" type="text/css"?>

First question, is this normal that we got a call to the extlink.css here ? I don't think this is really needed here, am I wrong ?

EDIT: I know that this css is for when we have an external link int the text, but I just ask the question...

This apart could the offset error, due to the <?xml-stylesheet declaration here ?

Any idea welcome, test yourself (put maximum error report level, and check your rss and atom feeds)

Joomla 3.4.3 / SefAdvance 1.8.0 / AJAX Register 1.8.8 / virtuemart / PHP 5.4.43

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