You are not authorised to view this resource.

17 years 5 months ago #451 by kcarson
I can see this has been asked many times.
I dont have cach on I dont have anything in trash, I have them in the main menu.
But when I click on the links I get "You are not authorised to view this resource" "You need to login"
I did put an alias for links in and that worked but then I could not got to the items in the links page.
Website is  
I think I have done all in the FAQ so any other ideas.

Regards Ken

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17 years 5 months ago - 17 years 5 months ago #454 by Saka
It's Itemid issue. Make sure that particular item is added to main menu (not as URL but as content, component or blog) and it's made public, not registered.

Also make sure there are no duplicates for that menu entry (not even unpublished ones) and that the trash is emptied for menu entries.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 5 months ago #459 by kcarson
Changed from url to component and that works great.

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17 years 4 months ago - 17 years 4 months ago #617 by hugo
I'm having a similar problem but only in ie (ff works fine).  The content page is set to registered.  If I try to login in ie, the site blinks and returns me back to the page with the "you are not authorised..".  If I enter the wrong user name or password I get the normal "Incorrect user name or password" message from joomla but if I enter the correct info nothing happens.  When I do the same thing in ff everything works fine.

I cheched and the menu item is linked using the "link - content item" in the menu.  I also made sure the menu item is unique (it wasnt before but I deleted a link with the same name from another menu - it did not solve the problem). Any suggestions?

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17 years 4 months ago #619 by Saka
It can be your editor that causing the problems:

Emir Sakic

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17 years 4 months ago #620 by hugo
I am uning the JCE editor but turned it off by selecting no wyswyg.  Also, I looked at the  index.php file and it seems to be set up propperly.  Here is the head section...


<?php if ( $my->id ) { initEditor(); } ?>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;><?php echo _ISO; ?>" />

<?php mosShowHead(); ?>

<?php echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$GLOBALS[mosConfig_live_site]/templates/$GLOBALS[cur_template]/css/template_css.css\" type=\"text/css\"/>" ; ?>





What am I missing?

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