
17 years 3 months ago #842 by masyomo
thanks - tried that and it almost works but unfortunately it does weird things to my module positions so can't use it  :-\

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17 years 3 months ago #886 by masyomo
In the end I had to redirect each product url manually - not ideal but it mostly seems to work so far.

I realise the third party components aren't the responsibility of SEF Advance but I did check that it was (supposedly) compatible with Virtuemart before purchase and seeing it listed on the extensions of this site was the deciding factor for my purchase.

Unless I'm the only person this extension doesn't work for - it seems to me that the leaving the version listed on this site is a bit misleading. I also think a reply (even if it was to say no!) wouldn't have gone amiss.

Other than this the only other problem I've found is that I had to disable community builder SEF url's because it caused a problem with the registration on our site. Besides that I've had no problems at all and the component is excellent - so I'm not complaining - I just think maybe the information could be more up to date and less misleading.

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17 years 3 months ago - 17 years 3 months ago #888 by Saka

Unless I'm the only person this extension doesn't work for - it seems to me that the leaving the version listed on this site is a bit misleading.

From the very same page: Please note that 3rd party component extensions are not supported by us. For inquiries about components please contact their respective author.

What's misleading about that?

About 80% of all support requests I get are related to 3rd party components, even thogh I said 100 times I don't support any 3rd party components.
I try to help where I can and I have even provided many extensions for 3rd paty components myself. But i really cannot and will not support every 3rd party problem you might get, sorry, it's just not possible, there are 1000's of components out there. Thus the disclaimer.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 3 months ago #894 by masyomo
I wasn't meaning to be argumentative - I think the components excellent but I think more people than just me would assume that if a plug in is listed on your list of extensions it will be compatible.

If it bothered me more I'd have willingly offered to pay a developer to fix the plug ins to work with our site - instead I've set up manual redirects and that seems to be working ok.

I asked the initial question on here because you'd said "I understand that Virtuemart is one of popular components and I am willing to help but then I require your assistance." - so I thought I'd leave a message to offer to help and to ask if there had been no progress - thats all and I'd have happily accepted a "no" response - as it is I got no response which to me is worse than a negative one.

I'm not meaning to waste your time now and I don't mean to kick off a load of trouble - I thought that maybe other people would be wondering the same as I was about whether this component can work with virtuemart. My experience is that the plug in linked to from this site doesn't work - however if you don't have too many products you could try setting up a redirect for each product url.

I do understand that it must be very frustrating having people constantly pester you about third party scripts but I think thats probably inevitable when its pretty much impossible to track down the authors of some of those scripts. I only asked because it looked as though you may have been starting some work on this one - please accept my apologies for doing so.

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17 years 3 months ago #896 by Saka
Not a problem. Just wanted to explain the situation. I list the extension to help users searching for extensions.
However, I am willing to help improving the VM extension and fix the things that don't work, it's just that it has lower priority right now. Will get to it eventually.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 2 months ago #1165 by Sandman79
Having troubles as well, it goes in a indefnite loop or st, my webbrwoser tells me... (firefox)

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