Change section-title to section-name in your code

15 years 1 month ago - 15 years 1 month ago #4827 by myprogram
Hi Saka,

I use JReviews with SEF Advance and I don't know why JReviews only works when I enter section name in section title field and vice versa (section title in section name field)

So when I set my config: long URL:no, include section:yes, include category:yes,

my item URL returns the following format:

section-title (but with my section name I typed in)/category-title/item-title.html

I don't want to change the way JReviews currently working on my site (because it has to change many codes) so please kindly tell me what code I need to change in your file so that item URL will return:

section-name (because I typed section title in it)/category-title/item-title.html

Thank you for your help!

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15 years 1 month ago #4829 by Saka
You can't change that. Either you use all alias (titles) or all names.

Emir Sakic

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