
14 years 10 months ago #5028 by chil
I am trialling Sef Advanced with Sobi2.I have an issue with the category urls. I have set up the string replace so that 'sobi2" is replaced by "sometext".This doesn't work for categories, the url looks like


How do I solve this?

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14 years 10 months ago #5029 by Saka
Which version of SEF Advance? Is it for Joomla 1.0 or 1.5?
Does sobi2 use sef_ext.php file?

Emir Sakic

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14 years 10 months ago #5030 by chil
Its for Joomla 1.5 . Sef  Advance is V2.1.4. Sobi uses  sef_ext.php supplied in sef_advanced, it doesnt work otherwise. I've attached the one I use.

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14 years 10 months ago #5031 by chil
Ok.Im not sure what I did but it is working properly now!

However I have another issue.
I have category that looks like  item1/item2
but the url looks like this


URL replace looks like this

What have I missed?

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14 years 10 months ago #5032 by Saka
The extension file you attached is the example file included with SEF Advance. You should look for sef_ext.php in com_sobi2 directory. If there isn't any add the one from here:

Best not to use slashes in category names.

Emir Sakic

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14 years 10 months ago #5033 by chil
Thanks. Re the slashes, to clarify, Sef Advanced cannot handle certain characters??
Thanks again

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