Home menu URL, where is it?

14 years 7 months ago - 14 years 7 months ago #5206 by Saka
Our faithful old users remember an option called "Home menu URL" that was available in SEF Advance for Joomla 1.0. If set to Yes your frontpage link would convert to www.domain.com/frontpage/ (or whatever alias you would choose). This would allow for index.html intro page, if you needed one.

This option is gone in SEF Advance 2008 for Joomla 1.5 partly because it's lifted beyond URL rewrite control and partly because there is a way to do the same thing without SEF Advance.

Basically all you need to do is go to your Menu Manager and un-default the Home menu item. This will convert this link to www.domain.com/home/
Joomla will not allow you to just remove the default flag from the Home item. Instead, you will have to assign it to something else. But you can conveniently create a hidden Menu that would not be displayed anywhere in the template. Then within it create a menu item (an External Link would do) and set it as default. This will release your Home frontpage URL and you will be able to use an index.html on your root address.

Emir Sakic

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