Joomfish with SEF Advance??

17 years 7 months ago #535 by bogus
I 'm wondering if there are any plans so that SEF-Advance will fully support joomfish. I mean that the urls show up in two languages.

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17 years 7 months ago #536 by Saka
SEF Advance already fully supports Joomfish.
Translation of URLs is just additional feature but it can also create problems.
This feature is planned to be looked at, but can't say if/when it will be implemented.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 7 months ago #556 by bogus
Maybe you should rethink your wording about SEF Advance "supporting" joomfish. As it leads to misunderstandings, particularly for non native english speaking users.

You should point out that it DOES NOT support joomfish functionality!!!

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17 years 7 months ago #557 by Saka
SEF Advance certainly does support Joomfish. Joomfish works in combination with SEF Advance, you get different URLs depending on the language you select and the language on the site is changed.

The fact that URLs are not translated doesn't mean Joomfish is not supported. In fact translation of URLs can impose other problems, but that feature will be looked at.

In the meantime Joomfish is supported indeed! :)

Emir Sakic

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