SEF Advance with Virtuemart - Together with XML Sitemaps

14 years 2 months ago #5502 by JohnnyJekyll
I am running SEF Advance version 2.2.3 on a Joomla site version 1.5.15 together with Virtuemart version 1.1.4. I am building an e-commerce website at and I am trying to automatically generate the HTML and XML Sitemaps using the very popular XML Sitemaps tool from - I have found the following bug which may be coming from SEF Advance.

First to explain the process that produces the problem

I have parent products that have children products under them – And the parent products sit within multiple categories.

As you click and search through a category in order to reach a product, upon reaching the relevant product page, the breadcrumb pathway unfortunately changes to represent getting to the product via a different route. For example on the Mrs Kibbles site you could click Retro and Nostalgic and then ABC Letters, but the breadcrumbs pathway will say Multi-Coloured and then ABC Letters.

To combat this problem - as well as introducing the important canonical tag to combat duplicate content problems (i.e. pointing the same product page on multiple url strings to a host url string for the search engines) - we use Alias and Meta in SEF Advance. By providing an alias URL for each and every variance of URL string that points to a product,  the breadcrumbs seem to fix themselves and you stop jumping across categories. Perfect, first problem solved.

Unfortunately this has now caused a problem when trying to automatically generate the XML Sitemap. By providing an SEF Advance alias URL for each and every variance of URL string, that product stops being included within the automatically generated sitemaps.

Do you have any comments or help on this please?



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14 years 2 months ago #5505 by Saka

No, I would need to examine how that component works. Also for your other issues I can only suggest to send me the access info and I will take a look on them. It's far more efficient than me trying to replicate very issue locally, it's not gonna get us anywhere.

Emir Sakic

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14 years 2 months ago #5508 by JohnnyJekyll
Ok thanks Saka, I will email you the details either later today or tomorrow when I have finished doing some updates.

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14 years 2 months ago #5511 by JohnnyJekyll
Hi Saka, I have sent you the access info through clicking the email button next to your name on the forum. Can you please confirm that you have received them thanks. John.

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14 years 2 months ago #5512 by Saka
Yes, got it.

Emir Sakic

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14 years 2 months ago #5526 by JohnnyJekyll
Hi Saka,

Did you manage to look at my problems yet?

If not can you please let me know when you will be looking at them?

Thanks, John

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