How to use Unique Item for new articles ?

14 years 1 month ago #5595 by robser73
Dear Sakic,
we use your Sef Advance 2008 from one year.
Only now we want to use the Unique Item feature, but we do not want to lose the URL index over the web about the old articles.
In this image you can see tha actual setting.
Could you help me to set-up the configuration in order to have the Unique Item for the new article and to auto redirect the old articles ?

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14 years 1 month ago #5596 by Saka

It's not possible with SEF Advance to automatically redirect items without unique ID to ones with unique ID. You need to choose your settings from the beginning. Changing it after a year would result in losing your PR, even if you manage to redirect all of your articles.

Emir Sakic

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14 years 1 month ago #5597 by robser73
It's a big problem.
Could you consider this issue in a next SEF ADVANCE 2008 update  ?
I think most people uses Sef Advance 2008 could be helped by this new feature.

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14 years 1 month ago #5608 by Greg

sorry for this intervention  :)

I'm in the exact opposite situation, I got unique feature on all my links, and I do not want it anymore.

Why ? because it's not needed anymore, as google said. In my GWT this unique ID is understand as a parameter, and so I should tell google to keep them but for each of my links (!).

So just use the canonical is fine, and be careful with your alias.
unless you got another strong reason to want that ?
Just my opinion...

Joomla 3.4.3 / SefAdvance 1.8.0 / AJAX Register 1.8.8 / virtuemart / PHP 5.4.43

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