ID Number automatically added to URL: How?

11 years 4 weeks ago #7207 by Sgang
I’ve a problem, and maybe you can help me:
In my two joomla site  i use sef advance and to add the univoque ID NUMBER to the url of each article I’ve to save the article before the pubblication, than delete the alias automatically generated, 0-ipad-air-apple-raccoglie-un-altro-successo.php and save again and pubblish; at this point i've an url like this http://www.****.it/16720-ipad-air-apple-raccoglie-un-altro-successo.php

On the other site, i've to add manually the id number to the alias !

Is it possible to let the sef advance add it automatically for me ?

I need it because google news indicize just url with an univoque id number.

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11 years 4 weeks ago #7208 by Saka
SEF Advance has this feature: Append unique ID
Set that to Yes and that will solve the problem with Google News.

Emir Sakic

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11 years 4 weeks ago #7209 by Sgang
Hi, i've activated that feature but the id is Not added to the alias, i can see the id created but the alias is clean...

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11 years 3 weeks ago #7216 by Sgang
No news? I can't add automatically ID to my alias ...
there's a way to do this with SEF ?

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11 years 3 weeks ago #7217 by Saka
A unique ID is added to URLs. That makes URLs accepted by Google News. Why does it matter it's not added to alias record?

Emir Sakic

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11 years 3 weeks ago #7219 by Sgang
because i've not an id added to the url ...

this is what i see when i create an article

Id is not in the URL ...

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