Problem after updating to latest version

9 years 1 month ago #7547 by cortez8591
After updating SEF Advance to the latest version I had to make two changes in site\parse.php file so logout link works properly:
function process_nonsef() {
	$sef_adv_url = get_sef_adv_url();
	header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
	header("Location: " . JUri::base() .$sef_adv_url); //got 404 without adding JUri::base() explicitly 

function get_sef_adv_url() {
    //$router = JRouter::getInstance('site');
    //$vars = $router->getVars(); //returns an empty array
	$vars = $_GET; //provides real data: array(4) { ["option"]=> string(9) "com_users" ["task"]=> string(11) "user.logout" ["c44343165383aa3138d973dfaacba4e3"]=> string(1) "1" ["return"]=> string(36) "aHR0cDovL2t1cmVrbWF6dXJza2kucGwvCg==" }
	$non_sef_url = 'index.php';

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