Using SEF Advanced with BannersManager

17 years 3 months ago #801 by flyer727
I'm testing the trial of SEF Advanced, and it's working fine, with one exception.

I'm using a component called BannersManager, and SEF is interfering with the links to the advertisers (where the user goes when clicking on the ad). Since these are full URLs, I thought SEF would just ignore them.

With SEF Advanced turned off, the banner generates a link that looks like this:,,click/bid,3/

When the banner is clicked on, that would go to the advertiser's site, such as

With SEF Advanced turned on, it generates this link instead:

(Yes, double // on the end.)

If the ad is clicked on, it just shows another banner on the page where an article would normally show.

The banner component built into Joomla is still working fine. The one I'm having trouble with is called BannersManager, and I'm using it to show a smaller ad on the left. I notice in the config screen for SEF Advanced, on the Ignored components: list, it already shows BannersManager, yet it is not ignoring it.

How can I get SEF Advanced to leave BannersManager alone so the links will work? The Ignored components: list does not seem to have any effect.

Also, I don't see how to add a component to that list- several are already listed there, and all I can do is click on them. I'm also not sure what clicking them is supposed to do.

Thanks for any advice on this.

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17 years 3 months ago #802 by Saka

The problem is with the component name it's called "bannersmanager" and that contains word "banners" which is reserved core component.
I will fix this problem in next version, thanks.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 3 months ago #836 by flyer727
Ah, thanks for the reply. I did buy SEF Advanced the other day.  8)

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17 years 3 months ago #913 by Saka
The fix will be available in the next version.

Emir Sakic

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