Canonical Issues

7 years 3 months ago #7901 by mingming

I'm a satisfied user for many years. Now I'm facing an issue I need help for.

If I add canoncial via SEF Advance the Canonical is relative (eg /page1.html). Users can access my site via subdomains (eg. Could you please add the website ( ) to the Canonical? Otherwise it tells Google that the subdomain would also be ok to get indexed. Otherwise: do you know how to prevent to access via subdomain? I don't use any subdomain on my site but the server allows.

Second problem: my structure is /category.html. If a user accesses /category/ instead of .html the canonical shows /category/ ! Insted of a redirect or a true canonical to /category.html.

How to fix that?


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7 years 2 months ago #7917 by Saka

I think it would be best to block access through subdomain with .htaccess, otherwise you may end up with other unwanted issues like penalties for duplicate content, decreased PR etc.

Second one could also be solved with .htaccess, if you don't have many categories you could add them as redirects quickly.

Emir Sakic

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7 years 2 months ago #7918 by mingming
Hi Emir,

thanks for your answer.

1) Subdomains: Do you know how which .htaccess code would solve that subdomain problem?

2) Categories: Unfortunately I have more than 200 categories so it would be better to have a solution via SEF Advance. Also for other customers.


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