Error 1064, Query Syntax error!!

5 years 6 months ago #8119 by jimmygomes

I'm using SEF Advance on a site with DTRegister. The problem here is not about compatibility, but a query issue. DTRegister is not compatible, so I have disabled it. But clicking on the "Next Step" button on the confirmation page, I got an Error 1064. Debugging I found that it is related to the Itemid of the page.

At least for this project, it is ok if don't have Itemid for that page, so I'm suggesting a small change on a query to fix this.

File: /components/com_sefadvance/sefadvance.php : 159
$db->setQuery('SELECT link FROM #__menu WHERE id='.$temp[0]);

change to:
$db->setQuery('SELECT link FROM #__menu WHERE id='.$db->quote($temp[0]));
That way, if for any reason we don't have a value for that var, we don't finish with an syntax error, but we will drop to the conditional below:
if (!empty($link)) {
$url = $link;
That fixed to me ;) I hope you can put this on the next release..

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5 years 5 months ago #8129 by Saka
Thank you. Will make sure to update it in the next release.

Emir Sakic

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