PHP Error Log Undefined Offset line 0

17 years 3 months ago #882 by Toner
I've seen a similar error message to the following posted elsewhere in the forum with the recommendation that SEF Advance should be uninstalled and reinstalled again.

I've done that but to no avail.

Have you any idea what these error messages mean as they are arising on every page. I want to purchase but this worries me:-

PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/default/ on line 0

PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/default/ on line 0


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17 years 3 months ago - 17 years 3 months ago #884 by Saka

Firstly that is not error, that's a notice, nothing to worry about. Notices should not be displayed on default PHP installation. If your installation has maximum reporting on you can fix it by either editing you htaccess (add: php_value error_reporting 7), or set it up in main Joomla configuration (Global Configuration>Server>Error Reporting>Simple).

Secondly: SEF Advance should not generate any notices either because it's always developed and tested on maximum error reporting level.
First you should check your settings. Make sure you have default settings as when installed and if the notice is displayed.
It's also possible that some component or template is interfering, so if possible test on default Joomla installation.

Emir Sakic

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