SEF advance with Extcalendar and admanager

17 years 3 months ago #901 by cassedu

I'm running SEF advance and Extcalendar + adsmanager modules.
I have an issue with these modules as URLs are not SEF :(.
I'm not an expert of PHP but I would like to improve the URLs.
Do you know if sef_ext files exist for those modules or if there is a(n) easy way to rewrite URLs (using alias ?)
The links:,com_extcalendar/Itemid,99999999/extmode,week/ (in french),com_adsmanager/Itemid,27/ (in french)

Thanks in advance

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17 years 3 months ago #902 by Saka
I am not aware of sef_ext files for that components.
So the same applies: ask authors to write them, write yourself or pay someone to do it.

You can use alias as well but then each URL must be added manually.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 3 months ago #904 by cassedu
fine for sef_ext.
i tried to use alias for extcalendar but it doesn't work apparently.
What I did:
component=>sef advance=>alias=>new
then entered,com_extcalenda...999999/extmode,week/ which is one of my non SEF URL then gave the name of "calendrier-semaine"=> save
then I opened my website and checked the link but unfortunately, the URL still remain the same :(
Did I miss something ? Could you help me with this ?

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17 years 3 months ago #905 by Saka,com_extcalenda...999999/extmode,week/

This is not non-SEF link. It is absolute link created with built-in SEF.

non-SEF link would be something like:

Disable SEF in global configurations to find out non-SEF links and always enter relative URLs (beginning with index.php?...), never absolute (with http://).

Emir Sakic

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