replace function and sobi2 problem

17 years 3 months ago - 17 years 3 months ago #917 by chilly_bang
i have following problem:
if i use sefadvance and sobi2 with your sef_ext.php, some entries are not avialable. i think, i can localize the problem: if i replace german special chars by sefadvance, i get right urls to entries, but no entries. if i dont use your replace function to replace for example ä=>ae, by mouse over i see urls with special chars but by clicking i get urls as sobi2/ger%c3%a4teservice-%26-produktmanagement-ltd..html, but no entry too. how is this to fix? thanks a lot!

if you need login/password to fix - pm or mail me

so, the problem is localized:

if i dont replace german special chars like ä, then the content item is avialable, but the url see like: /service/repr%c3%a4sentanz.html

if i replace ä=>ae, then the url see like /service/repräsentanz.html and this content item is avialable, BUT other content items, which have native combination ae - they are unavialable, they conflict with replacement ä=>ae.

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17 years 3 months ago #919 by Saka
Plese send me a mail with FTP info and I will take a look.

Emir Sakic

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