SEF Advance goes kaboom

17 years 4 weeks ago #1260 by somaboy
I have been running SEF advance for almost a year without incident. This afternoon my joomla site started showing the following message on all pages:

This copy of SEF advance is licensed for site(s):
You are trying to run it on:

Visit to purchase a valid license of SEF advance for your site.

Not real sure what went wrong here. We had to turn SEF friendly URLs off on the site so now everything is showing long ungodly Joomla URLs.

We've talked to our ISP and they swear up and down that they did not do anything that would cause this. Any help on this would be appreciated.

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17 years 4 weeks ago #1261 by somaboy

Using my existing information, I went and downloaded the latest version. Uninstalled my exisitng SEF Advance, installed the latest version, went to the SEF Advance control panel and received the following message:


This copy of SEF advance is licensed for site(s):
You are trying to run it on:

Visit to purchase a valid license of SEF advance for your site."

So for some reason SEF Advance thinks that URL is supposed to be somewhere else other than where it actually is.

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17 years 4 weeks ago #1262 by somaboy
Update #2:

Went and downloaded a demo copy. Put in website address of . Uploaded and installed.

Same error message.

Went and downloaded a demo copy with IP address of Uploaded and installed. Works perfectly.

So for reasons unknown, SEF Advance suddenly stopped recognizing as residing at

Some permenant solution to this would be appreciated before the demo runs out. ::)

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17 years 4 weeks ago #1263 by somaboy
Update #3:

Came into the office this morning and all was well. About 15 minutes later, site giving same error message as yesterday, but this time it says I am trying to run it on and that I need to get demo copy with correct address. The SEF demo that was running from last night was set to the IP number.

Sensing that my hosting provider (bluehost) was not playing straight with me and was indeed making changes on the server, I uninstalled the demo copy from last night and reinstalled  my licensed copy SEF advance that was set with the site name of All worked perfectly.

So I have a currently licensed copy up and running with the correct site name. All evidence points to my hosting ISP messing with the server and proceeding to tell me that they were not.

I am hoping this is solved and want to state again it seems that this problem had nothing to do with SEF Advance. If you experience something like this, going up the chain of command at your hosting provider might do the trick.

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17 years 4 weeks ago #1265 by Saka
Just send a mail to support to add that IP to your license.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 3 weeks ago #1273 by somaboy
Update #4

Came into the office this morning with my site showing the same error I received on Tuesday afternoon:

"This copy of SEF advance is licensed for site(s):
You are trying to run it on:

Visit to purchase a valid license of SEF advance for your site."

So the first thing I did was send a note to support as recommended above to get the ball rolling on getting a copy of SEF Advance with both the IP AND domain.

The next was to install the demo copy that was licensed with the IP and that got the site working. Then I spent an hour with tech support trying to figure out what exactly changed on Tuesday, Wed. early AM and then again this morning. They were unable to find anything. As a passing suggestion at the end of the conversation the tech support saw that I had fast CGI enabled. He explained that Bluehost FastCGI causes requests to only query the php.ini inside of the public HTML folder and maybe that has something to do with it. We both agreed , however, that since I had not changed anything this last week with it, that was probably not the problem.

As soon as I got off the phone with him, I turned off FastCGI. The site was down with an error. I then installed the version of SEF advance. The site was up BUT I could not get into the config or anything else because it could not find ioncube!

After another phone call, they were able to get the server php.ini to find ioncube and all was well. Woo.

Ok, so something in my php.ini file was getting wrong info from *somewhere* about where SEF Advence was located and that information was changing, even though everything that could be checked by either me or the ISP was not.

Hoping this is the last installment of the saga. If you are running FastCGI and everything goes wrong, try turning it off first and fixing whatever problems come out of that change.

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