MyBlog and Nice Talk from

16 years 10 months ago #1565 by GabyZ

My Nickname is "Jan"

Danke für Deine schnelle Reaktion nabil. Sorry, ich mache mal an dieser Stelle mit meiner Muttersprache weiter, da mein Englisch sehr schlecht ist. Ich habe gestern bereits mit dem Schreiben eines Addons angefangen. Hier schonmal die Zeilen die Fertig sind:


defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );
class sef_myblog {
	//Umwandeln der Urls

	function create ($string) {
		global $database, $whereurl;

//Umschreiben der Urls in /myblog/search/ bzw. /myblog/rss/ (usw)

               if (eregi('&task=search',$string) ||
			eregi('&task=categories',$string) ||
			eregi('&task=rss',$string)) {
			$temp = explode("&task=", $string);
			$temp = explode("&", $temp[1]);
			$sefstring .= $temp[0]."/"; 

//Umwandeln der Blogtitel in /myblog/welcome-to-my-blog/ oder /myblog/permalink/

               else if (eregi('&show=',$string)){
				$temp = explode("&show=", $string);
				$temp = explode("&", $temp[1]);
				$sefstring .= $temp[0]."/"; }

//Umwandeln der Tags in /myblog/tag/mytagwort/

             else if (eregi('&category=',$string)){
				$temp = explode("&category=", $string);
				$temp = explode("&", $temp[1]);
				$sefstring .= "tag/".$temp[0]."/"; }

		return $sefstring;


function revert ($url_array, $pos) {
		// Ausgabe der Originalen

if (isset($url_array[$pos+2])&& $url_array[$pos+2]!='') {
			if ($url_array[$pos+2]   == "search" ||
        	$url_array[$pos+2]    == "categories" ||
        	$url_array[$pos+2]    == "rss"){
				$task = $url_array[$pos+2];
				$_GET['task'] = $_REQUEST['task'] = $task;
				$QUERY_STRING .= "&task=$task";
			} else {

				$show = $url_array[$pos+2];
				$_GET['show'] = $_REQUEST['show'] = $show;
				$QUERY_STRING .= "&show=$show";

		return $QUERY_STRING;

Leider habe ich noch keine Idee wie ich diese Url wieder zurücksetzen kann: Von /myblog/tag/mytagword/ in index.php?option=com_myblog&category=mytagword.

Achtung! Dieses Addon ist natürlich nicht fertig und sollte nur zu Testzwecken eingesetzt werden.

Ich hoffe diese Zeilen helfen weiter. Wie man erkennen kann fehlen noch die Parameter: archive und blogger.

Das Problem ist, das diese Parameter immer an zweiter Stelle kommen.
Zudem fehlen noch die Parameter für die Seitenzahlen, die aber kein Problem darstellen, da diese an dritter Stelle kommen.

Hier noch der Link um meine Wort zu übersetzen:

Tried to put the code into a sef_ext.php file but it doesn't work.

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16 years 10 months ago - 16 years 10 months ago #1566 by GabyZ
I didn't saw the attached file, now everything works! ThankS  ;D

Another thing...

My urls end in .html/, how can i remove the .html suffix?

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16 years 10 months ago #1625 by mrmckeen
I tried this (would really love to have it) but the links to display all the bloggers nolonger work.  When sef_ext.php (the attached file) is used instead of displaying all the bloggers on a page it just displays a list of all the blogs.


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16 years 1 month ago #3060 by Zappu
I am sorry, but your ext. works only, if you do not use suffix (.html) parameter. If you like to use for e.g. it will not work

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16 years 1 month ago #3159 by treoguy
I'm in the process of transitioning my site to a blog format and I'm testing myblog. Overall, I love the admin features and the ability for multiple bloggers to have limited Joomla access. My main issue with myblog are the URL's and it would seem SEF Advance compatibility should fix this.

For example, new posts on my site follow this URL format:

Ideally, the URL needs to look like this...

Right now, I have HOME pointing to the component myblog. I'm able to get myblog content on the frontpage, however clicking home pushes me to when it should push me to

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have about 8-10 sites that I expect to roll out blogs in the coming weeks, but need to get the URL's figured out before this happens.

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15 years 10 months ago #3495 by westmark
Any updates on this?

I'm migrating from 1.x to 1.5.7 and I want to add myblog to the migrated site.

My testing has shown that the sef_ext shipped with myblog and the one included in the beginning of this thread do not work.



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