.htaccess problem?

17 years 2 weeks ago #1294 by martin
Hi Forum,

I installed the trial version without problems and followed all the further instructions.

When I activate SEF Advance, the links on my website stop working.
It just stays on the homepage, which gets refreshed but I cant navigate.

Emir stated that the problem might be the .htaccess file and I also have that feeling.

I dont know if its important, but Joomla is not on the web root installed, rather in a subdirectory because I have several domains pointing to my webspace.
Additionally I really dont know where I need to put the .htaccess file.
In my / directory? Or in my Joomla installation directory (/domain.com)?

Emir I sent you my connection details (FTP+JoomlaBackend), did you have the chance to check what am I doing wrong?

Best regards

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