Custom META Tags for pages..

17 years 2 weeks ago #1300 by jazz
Hi, i'm about to purchase SEF Advance, for one of my sites.

I read through the faq, and even tried reading through the search results, and either i might have skipped it or this question might not have been covered earlier. But my question is i need to be able to customize the TITLE, Description, Robots, etc tags using SEF Advance,.

How do i go about it ? Are there any faq entries or any other related documentation related to this feature, that i coulld read up on ?

Thank you,

PS: Also, where can i get the change log for all the versions of SEF Advance ?

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17 years 2 weeks ago #1301 by Saka

The title and meta data of pages can be changed if you use the alias feature. You need to enter each page URL and its alias manually together with custom title and meta data. The documentation is in help files inside the admin when you install the component (you can install the free trial to test).

I don't publish the changelog but if you are interested in a particular change let me know.

Emir Sakic

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17 years 2 weeks ago #1302 by jazz
Thank you so much saka !

I've made my purchase now, and would also like to request a licence for a test domain for my website.. so i can make sure everything is working fine before i port the installation to my live website !

The test domain address is hxxp:// ;

Also, i would like to know the policy on upgrades, can i upgrade the SEF Component once a new version is released ? Also, whats the support plan for supporting Joomla 1.5 once it hits main stream ?

Thank you once again,

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16 years 9 months ago #1767 by dunpeal
I would like to see automatic meta tag handling, Instead of making alias manually. This is too much work.

If you want to see an example of this working for joomla see sh404sef custom tags module

This is great because it takes out the genrator tag and automatically generates meta info for you

Sef Advance should have this

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