Empty alias for static content used for homepage

16 years 11 months ago #1414 by alejo

My homepage, the first menu in mainmenu called Home, is a static content page. I have tried creating an alias for it, by leaving the alias field empty, but it stills shows up as:


The non-sef url is:


I have read that this approach should work for 3rd party components. Should it also work with static content pages? If not, is there any sort of workaround? I am trying to migrate from OpenSEF which does show the Home menu as www.domain.com and I can't until I find a solution to this problem.


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16 years 11 months ago - 16 years 11 months ago #1415 by Saka

I just tried and it works perfectly on my test site. "Home" is not shown in URL. My only guess is that you are entering wrong non-sef URL. Please disable SEF completely in Global Configurations to find out correct non-sef URL. Also make sure you use latest version of SEF Advance.

If it still doesn't work send me the access details so I can take a look.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 11 months ago #1421 by alejo
I downloaded the latest version yesterday. I tried putting other aliases and they work, only empty does not work. For now I put   instead of empty and that results in url: www.domain.com/ /

I have sent you access via PM. Thanks for looking into this. The sooner the better so search engines rankings will not suffer.

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16 years 11 months ago #1426 by Saka
I fixed it now. Apparently it was working in version 5.0 but not in 5.3, and I was testing with 5.0 on my local site.

I fixed it now in 5.3.8 revision and updated your site.

Thanks for pointing out this issue.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 11 months ago #1427 by alejo
Thanks Emir, as always you have been very helpful!

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