Joomfish and mod_jflanguageselection

16 years 10 months ago #1560 by Sentry
Hi everybody,

i've bought SEF Advance some time ago and using Joom!fish now.
But there are several problems:

1. (Main Problem)
The Joom!Fish module mod_jflanguageselection shows the URI like for german and for english, if I klick on any language, the URIs on the website are changing the same way.

BUT if click on the Startpage the URIs are changing into so the language-variable is disappearing. But in the mod_jflanguageselection the URIs stay like so i have duplicate content for every website if the language variable isn't set.

I think there must be an option to override the language-variable for the standard language, and show the lang-variable only for languages which are not declared as standard, like this:

Always for Standard-Language or if Variable is not declared:

For non-standard language: en/mycontent/

2. The URIs are not changing into translated version of the Website... so if i translate my content title, the URI should be named as like as the content.

Many thanks in advance

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16 years 10 months ago #1561 by Saka
If Fish support is activated language variable should always appear in URLs, both for standard language and other languages. That behaviour can't be overridden.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 6 months ago #2263 by Saka

I think there must be an option to override the language-variable for the standard language, and show the lang-variable only for languages which are not declared as standard, like this:

Always for Standard-Language or if Variable is not declared:

For non-standard language: en/mycontent/

This has been implemented now in SEF Advance v5.6
There is an option to skip prefix for default language, so you can now keep the original URLs for main language and only have alternative languages with added prefix.

Emir Sakic

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