'normal' urls do not translate to advanced

16 years 10 months ago #1590 by shackbase
I am trying to reconstruct my site by setting up my menus with advanced urls.

www.softwareviews.com - click on reviews and it takes you to:


(that is the url I put in the menu, if I understood the docs correctly, you should always set the menus and links to point to the seo off urls and sef advanced would translate this to the correct url.

ie. the review link should take you to:


Also - anyway I can change the news_portal to something shorter in the sef adv setup?



For the latest Joomla! related news, views and reviews, check out www.joomlaviews.com .

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16 years 10 months ago #1598 by Saka
If you use URL menus you should always enter a relative link:
without leading http:// nor leading slash. Then it will get correctly translated to SEF.

>Also - anyway I can change the news_portal to something shorter in the sef adv setup?

Yes, look under "components with SEF Advance extensions" in SEF Adv. configurations.

Emir Sakic

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