Urgent: 5.5.7 member cannot confirm membership mail

16 years 7 months ago - 16 years 7 months ago #2155 by thoeri
Hi emir

I think there is a serious issue with 5.5.7. I got severel e-mails that the confirmation link does not work. I tried to register myself and when clicking the confirmation link in the mail I don't get a confirmation. I get to a page telling me to regsiter as a member to view the page.
When clicking the link one can first see the confirmation code in the url but then as the page reloads and I get the SEF url, thats when it happens. The url is: www.mysite.com/krypin/confirm . I have in the config comprofiler=>krypin. That used to work before.

Please try to help as soon as possible.


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16 years 7 months ago #2156 by thoeri
Problem solved

I do not sure if it is a pemanent or temporarily fix. I changed the setting:
Redirect non-SEF URLs: to No instead of Yes. Then it worked.


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16 years 7 months ago #2161 by Saka
You are using the CB and its SEF Advance extension. I checked and it worked even with redirection. Make sure you use the latest CB extension too.

Emir Sakic

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