Problem with "sefreltoabs()" function - the site won't load

16 years 7 months ago #2157 by InnerFlash

I'm getting this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: sefreltoabs() in /home/[my_dir_at_the_server]/public_html/components/com_content/content.html.php on line 580

This line is the last one below:
if ($params->get( 'readmore' ) || $params->get( 'link_titles' )) {
	if ( $params->get( 'intro_only' ) ) {
		// checks if the item is a public or registered/special item
		if ( $row->access <= $my->gid ) {
			$row->link_on = sefRelToAbs( 'index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=' . $row->id . $row->Itemid_link );

I can't go past this error, tried to comment it out but "sefreltoabs()" appears in several places, and it's related to SEF URLs. Since I'm using SEF Advance, I'm wondering what is causing it: a missing file, a different info at the database or your extension.

All was fine until I changed hosts. I'm now on my new host and can't access my site since the whole transfer was completed weeks ago. I thought of posting here before, but wanted to try different things first.

It's very unlikely that there are files missing because I uploaded the compressed home directory backup from the old host and decompressed on the server itself. I had one problem before this one though, and that was caused by the ioncube loader not being uploaded as binary (according to my server support).

I hope you have some advice for me, because I just don't know what to try next.  :'(


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16 years 7 months ago #2163 by Saka
Try uninstalling SEF Advance and see if the error apears. If not then reinstall SEF Advance (the latest version) and see if the error is still there.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 7 months ago #2166 by InnerFlash
Hi Emir,

Luckily I was able to login into administration this time. It was the first time I was able to see the settings of SEF Advance from admin. I guess my uploading the gzipped backup and decompressing it on the server itself helped to get some errors out of the way (but not all).

The site was back once I uninstalled it. Then I installed the latest version (5.5.7) and imported the backed-up XML. So far it's all shining back to the way it was.

Thanks so much Emir, there's a lot of value in this extension, will probably get some more licenses if I do some other joomla-based sites.

Cheers mate,  ;)
Wallace Rodrigues

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