Problems with Replace

16 years 6 months ago #2442 by thoeri
Hi Emir

I experience a serious issue with cb and SEF Advanced. Recently a few members complained that they cannot see their profile page in CB on my site. The main body is just white. First I thought I got a corrupt database but after searching through it I came to the conclusion that this issue has to come from somewhere else. Then I turned SEF Advanced off and then I could see the member's profile page. Without SEF advanced I did not experience any problems.

Then I saw that one of the members with this issues have username saraa. I replace the swedish characters å, ä and ö with aa, ae and oe. Pretty standard. So, somehow, SEF advenced thinks this is a swedish å probably. But it is like a backward replacing. So I changed the replace characters for å, the aa to a-a. Then It worked!

I have no idea if this been an issue the whole time or if it came with one of the later versions of SEF Advanced. 

Is is possible to solve and still keep the replacements aa, ea and oe. They are is a lot of very importants URL:s for me. I would be very sad if I had to do that!

Best regards,

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16 years 6 months ago #2443 by Saka
As described in FAQ ( ), the replacements work both way. If you have the replacement å=>aa that means "aa" must not occur in regular URLs.

You must replace with strings that don't occur normally, like "aaa" or you can also replace the whole words instead, like åre=>aare,måste=>maaste,får=>faar etc.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 6 months ago #2446 by thoeri
Hi Emir

Thank you for a quick reply. I see how you mean. Normally my replacements would not occur in normal words, but members can come up with the most innovating user names ;-). The good thing is that I can replace whole words. I think I can keep my most important links that way.


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