Remository: The containers with spaces bug

16 years 5 months ago - 16 years 5 months ago #2569 by Greg
Hi (again  ;D)

Just found this one, and I post it here too because I'm not sure if it's remository sef-ext.php or SEF Advance related. (My post on remository:,view/catid,24/id,9316/#9316

So if we got containers with spaces in their names, and if we choose " Use title alias YES " in the SEF Advance configuration, we can't access to the sub containers of remository.

We must choose " Use title alias NO " because there's no alias for this containers names.

Is a checking function is missing for the alias ? Perhaps something to retrieve the title by default if there's no alias ?

Thanks  :)

Joomla 3.4.3 / SefAdvance 1.8.0 / AJAX Register 1.8.8 / virtuemart / PHP 5.4.43

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