Top-level mainmenu links not being re-written

16 years 5 months ago #2595 by gk1
Hello Everyone,

I'm running joomla 1.0.13 and SEF Advance 5.6 (but also tested this on 1.0.15) and can't seem to get the top-level mainmenu links to show up correctly. All other links (including second-tier links in splitmenu mode) are ok. When however using either the moo or suckerfish option all links link to non-sef core joomla urls. eg: .../index.php?option....

I know this is definitely related to the template, as I tried switching them and everything was back to normal. I have tried the template designers site, but with no luck, so am hoping someone here might have already had the same problem and found a solution?

The template I am using from is the joomlart, the ja_erica one. Really like the template and would love to use it, but definitely need those menu links to be right.....

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks.

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16 years 5 months ago #2598 by Saka
The menus are not supporting SEF apparently. They must be modified to use sefRelToAbs() function. Please ask the template authors for support on that.

Emir Sakic

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