Make Extension some Problem

16 years 4 months ago #2684 by Aquilasfx
I have make a new extension for a component but don't work fine...

function create (&$string) {
   // Top7, except search
    // func=top7, sorting=$var1
    if (stristr($string,"&func=top7")) {
      if (stristr($string,"&date=")) {
        $temp = explode("&date=", $string);
        $temp = explode("&", $temp[1]);
        $date_sort = $temp[0];
        switch ($date_sort) {
          case "year" :
            $date_sort = "Anno/";
          case "week" :
            $date_sort = "Last.Event/";
          case "month" :
            $date_sort = "Mese/";
      if (stristr($string,"&orderby=")) {
        $temp = explode("&orderby=", $string);
        $temp = explode("&", $temp[1]);
        $orderby = $temp[0];
        switch ($orderby) {
          case "comments" :
            $orderby = "Commenti/";
          case "views" :
            $orderby = "Visite/";
          case "rating" :
            $orderby = "Voti/";
       $tempstring = "Top.7";
      $sefstring .= $tempstring.'/'.$date_sort.$orderby;
      return $sefstring;

  function revert (&$url_array, &$pos) {
    // description: Top7
    // variables: func=special, sorting=$var1
    if (isset($url_array[$pos+2]) && $url_array[$pos+2] != '' && ($url_array[$pos+2] == "Top.7" )) {
        $func = "top7";
        $_REQUEST['func'] = $func;
        $QUERY_STRING .= "&func=$func";
        switch ($url_array[$pos+3]) {
          case "Anno":
            $date = "year";
          case "Last.Event":
            $date = "week";
          case "Mese":
            $date = "month";
        if( $date != null ){
     	   $_REQUEST['date'] = $date;
      	  $QUERY_STRING .= "&date=$date";
        switch ($url_array[$pos+3]) {
          case "Commenti":
            $orderby = "comments";
          case "Visite":
            $orderby = "views";
          case "Voti":
            $orderby = "rating";
        switch ($url_array[$pos+4]) {
          case "Commenti":
            $orderby = "comments";
          case "Visite":
            $orderby = "views";
          case "Voti":
            $orderby = "rating";
        if( $orderby != null ){
			 $_REQUEST['orderby'] = $orderby;
   		     $QUERY_STRING .= "&orderby=$orderby"; 
         echo $QUERY_STRING;
        return $QUERY_STRING;

The Url rewrite is correct but there are 2 mistake:

1: I have in my component a multi ordering/sort buttons in Top7 function with Ordering by date(year, month, lastEvent) and a ordering by gender(rating, views, comments)
The links works in this ways [if I click on year for example charge the page and then if I click on order by comments the page charged output a chart order by date "YEAR" select first and with order by "COMMENTS"]. The problem is now with this code don't charge the page with the past selection I have make, but only the last :(

2: If I select button year or any other buttons the link are correct but don't charge the correct page with the result but recharge this page without consider my choice!

the url without sef enable are like this:

Sef url I make based on the code up are like this:

This doesn't work I don't know why sef don't generate this url..

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16 years 4 months ago #2703 by Aquilasfx
sakic please considere my request for help

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16 years 4 months ago #2718 by Saka
I can't answer this because I would need to test your component and also test your extension.
To create a custom extensions costs extra fee, you can contact me on mail if you are interested.

Emir Sakic

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16 years 4 months ago #2724 by Aquilasfx
I want to create myself extension.... I only request why there are these mystake.. but nothing.. you request more fee for this.. ... ... My question not is HOW make the extension but WHY  it's wrong .. I considered the tutorial to make new extension... I think would You have to appreciate that people make own extension by themselves..

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16 years 3 months ago #2730 by Saka
I can't answer what is wrong with your extension without debugging it with your component, and that's custom job.

Emir Sakic

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