Unique item setting breaks url

16 years 1 month ago #3152 by kehelle
I have a few problems with Advance 2008 (1.5.7) and Joomla 1.5.5, php5.2.5 on www.folkevett.no

When choosing Unique item the url gets "scrambled" like additonal / like "http:///" and more. A similar problem occurs when I try to use cache with Advance - it breaks the urls with additional "/"s.

It also seems that  "Redirect non-SEF URLs" is not working, it gives a completely blank page, without any errors (Not any seen with firebug anyway).

Also the custom 404 page set in the Advance settings is not showing.

Viewing an article doesn't give the defined suffix in the url, it's just showing a "path"-style url.

Is there any settings I should look at? Any other configuration missing perhaps?


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