Fireboard pagination and Discussbot title

16 years 1 month ago #3184 by Viames

i'm using SEF Advance with Fireboard extension and i have this problems:

1. If you want to reach a post using its id-number, you are redirected to the thread-topic (id of first post), so many stuffs don't work (for eg. plug_cbsimpleboardtab, or when you submit a reply, or FB modules for latest posts). The pagination works only if you ask for the topic and its pagination-subpage_nr explicitly

2. DiscussBOT for Fireboard v1.0.4 (ObjectClarity Fireboard Discussbot v1.0.6) doesn't write the subject correctly, so it doens't allow you to start a thread from the comment link in bottom of the article-page. Its URL is for eg. post/newFromBot/0/14.html, forgotting the serialized part of the URL

Hope its clear enough to fix it :)



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