SEF Advace causing Article Manager 1.5.6 to not work even when disabled

15 years 10 months ago #3404 by bigd357
SEF Advace causing Article Manage 1.5.6 to not work even when disabled in the back end.

I turned everything off and article manager works fine.

I turned on the core sef and everything to worked fine.

I turned on SEF advanced and the New Article link stops working and it keeps taking me to the article listing page.

The Links are the same with sef turned off in the joomla core and when diabled in SEF Avance but the destination page is not working to submit a new article.

This is the URL with SEF Advanced turned off for the Article Manager

Does the amp in the URL have anything to do with it? It is not in any other URL Using the component.

My site is

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15 years 10 months ago #3405 by bigd357
Ok the amp;  was the problem.

I had to change it in the core URL but why did it work with the core SEF and not SEF Advance?

Thanks in advance for your help

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15 years 10 months ago #3406 by Saka
Well, as already explained many times before, that's a third party component and I can not guarantee compatibility with third party components. To answer your question I would need to install that component (which I never heard of btw) and replicate the issue to see why that happens. In 90% cases the problem is in components and not in SEF Advance. Even though it works fine with core sef or no sef that's not the proof that it's correctly coded following all Joomla standards and recommendations and not the proof that SEF Advance is to blame.

You found a solution so it's good.

Emir Sakic

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