ioncube on PHP5? - need for little help

15 years 9 months ago #3583 by wadzaloo
Hi all,

I have already installed SEF Advance2008 on Joomla 1.5.8 - by default, my server is Linux/PHP4
Working fine....
result of sef_advance_tester.php : all is green)

Now, in order to install a 3rd party component exclusively running on PHP5, i have changed this configuration (very easy by a simple addition in .htaccess)
result of sef_advance_tester.php :ion cube is not working
Site error: the file /homez.47/legrattoo/www/components/com_sef/sef_conf.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the site administrator.

My noob question is what version of loadcube loader have i to install ? (on the root site, i just see versions/platform but not compatibility with PHP4 or 5) - maybe i am wrong and there is an other way but i did not understood clearly the story of php.ini to be modified :-[

Thank you by advance for your help

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15 years 9 months ago #3585 by Saka
There is a special setting for PHP 5.2.5+, everything is explained in detail on our ionCube installation guide:
Just follow that and you should have no problems.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 9 months ago #3591 by wadzaloo
Many thanks for your answer...

Unfortunatly, after reading carefully the procedures, i am not skilled enough to create the relevant php.ini file.. reason why i have sent a pm to you with details on my php5 configuration.

Thanks again :)

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15 years 9 months ago #3605 by wadzaloo
Thank you for your personnal support through PM's

Everything is working fine now

some additional lines in .htaccess ...
SetEnv PHP_VER 5

and php.ini created


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15 years 9 months ago #3608 by Saka
Thanks for the info. This is probably specific to your host but might help others to look for the information at their hosts too if ionCube loaders don't work at once.

Emir Sakic

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