WARNING :: In case a user claim a reset of password

15 years 9 months ago #3589 by Greg
If you have no problems with the Forgot Password function...keep cool...read something else  :)

So, today I ask my members to confirm their accounts themselves, and some of them try to do a new password request but , damned it wasn't work at all !

And so finally I found why, by default SefAdvance transform all the sub-url of the reset function, by "user/reset" and like that the user never see the "confirmation page" where he must put the verification code received by mail.
And in a second time he can't even more see the "complete page" where he can set his own new password !

In fact the user always back on the reset page.

So what I've done is to simply check the URL needed in the controller.php of the com_user.

And put that in the alias form of SefAdvance, like that

For the confirm:

For the complete:

Checked on J1.5.8 with SefAdvance 1.7.2

Hope it could help some of you  ;)

Joomla 3.4.3 / SefAdvance 1.8.0 / AJAX Register 1.8.8 / virtuemart / PHP 5.4.43

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15 years 8 months ago #3618 by Saka
Thanks. The issue was only present when "Redirect non-SEF URLs" option is set to Yes in SEF Advance configurations.

This has been now fixed in SEF Advance 2008 v1.7.4 so no need for setting alias if you upgrade.

Emir Sakic

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