problem with remository/joomgallery and upload file

15 years 8 months ago #3658 by marcoz
hello, I have a strange problem with remository component or joomgallery (same problem), When I try to upload a file sef advance redirect in the home page from component, and the SEF Advance debug information disappears  :-\  if I turn off the components from Sef advance option works well but no sef url :(

you can see in my test site:,com_remository/Itemid,2/func,addfile.html

just upload a litle zip and pres Submit file, the page that appears is the home from remository and no sef debug displayed.
if i disable the component from Sef Advance ingore list the save process work but no sef debug displayed for page index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=2&func=savefile.

same problem with joomgallery, if i upload a image or just edit a existing image. for test this just login in the site with User:Demo Pass:Demo

Sef Advance 1.8.0
Redirect built-in SEF URLs and Redirect non-SEF URLs  off, same problem with on
Joomla! 1.5.8
thx for help

sef_ext.php:  Seyret - Uddeim - Easybook

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15 years 8 months ago #3660 by Saka
I just uploaded fie, no problem...

Emir Sakic

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15 years 8 months ago #3661 by marcoz
thx for reply, the file is not added in the site, when the process ends with success remository show the page index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=2&func=savefile with the message:

All Done!
Please Note: All Uploads will be reviewed prior to Publishing.
Submit another file now?

with Sef Advance on the url is option,com_remository/Itemid,2/func,savefile.html but the  page  show the homepage from remository component and file is not added.

same with joomgallery, with sef off the page after upload is index.php?option=com_joomgallery&func=uploadhandler&Itemid=3 and diplayed :
1. testimage.jpg
Upload complete......
Creating thumbnail from JPG, 580 x 415...
Thumbnail created......
Resizing to max width...
Resize to maximum width complete...
Picture successfully added
New Filename: testimage_20090103_1492505839.jpg

whit sef on the url is option,com_joomgallery/func,uploadhandler/Itemid,3.html but the page show the home from joomgallery

sef_ext.php:  Seyret - Uddeim - Easybook

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15 years 8 months ago #3662 by Saka
Does it help if you disable Redirect built-in SEF URLs?

Emir Sakic

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15 years 8 months ago #3663 by marcoz
the Redirect built-in SEF URLs is disabled, i can email  you the super administrator  pass if is necessary

sef_ext.php:  Seyret - Uddeim - Easybook

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15 years 8 months ago #3664 by Saka
Yes please email both admin password and FTP and I will have a look. Ensure you run the latest SEF Advance version before that.

Emir Sakic

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