[SOLVED] Unable to redirect old RSS link

15 years 8 months ago - 15 years 8 months ago #3676 by Greg
Hi Emir,

Strange but I can redirect (301):

to: rss.feed

But can't do the same with:

to: rss.feed

alias doesn't work too...

Joomla 3.4.3 / SefAdvance 1.8.0 / AJAX Register 1.8.8 / virtuemart / PHP 5.4.43

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15 years 8 months ago #3677 by Saka
SEF Advance version?

Emir Sakic

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15 years 8 months ago #3689 by Greg
version 1.8.1

Joomla 3.4.3 / SefAdvance 1.8.0 / AJAX Register 1.8.8 / virtuemart / PHP 5.4.43

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15 years 8 months ago #3695 by Saka

You can't redirect non-sef URLs because they are used by Joomla itself. Redirect tool is only for SEF URLs. Additionally, URLs that begin with index2.php are generally meant for popups and such and are not processed at all by SEF Advance, so you can't use alias either.

I suggest you use redirect in .htaccess if you want to redirect this link.

Emir Sakic

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15 years 8 months ago - 15 years 8 months ago #3700 by Greg
Thanks for reply Emir,

But I've already tried with the .htaccess (forgot to mention it), so, could you give me the example of the rewrite rule that I should use to do that please.

Joomla 3.4.3 / SefAdvance 1.8.0 / AJAX Register 1.8.8 / virtuemart / PHP 5.4.43

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15 years 8 months ago #3703 by Saka
Well such questions take pretty much time of testing and trying but I found it for you this time.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} index2.php
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^option=com_rss&feed=RSS2.0&no_html=1$
RewriteRule ^index2\.php$ /rss.feed? [R=301,L]
right after the line:
RewriteEngine On

If you have your installation in a subdirectory add it before /rss.feed so it reads:
RewriteRule ^index2\.php$ /subdirectory/rss.feed? [R=301,L]

Emir Sakic

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